The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources invites the public to talk about deer and other wildlife, hunting and habitat topics with wildlife managers throughout the state on Thursday, March 2. Wildlife managers will be available in local area offices or by phone from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. that day.
People who would like to participate should visit the DNR’s talk about wildlife page to find the list of area offices and telephone numbers for their area wildlife manager. Area managers always welcome calls from the public, so people who can’t call during the dedicated time are encouraged to do so at their convenience. Individuals unable to call or stop by their area office on March 2 may also share their thoughts through an online questionnaire available March 2 on the DNR’s talk about wildlife page. Written comments may be submitted to Barb Keller, Fish and Wildlife Division, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155.
Individuals are welcome to talk with DNR staff about deer, other wildlife, hunting and habitat, discuss specific topics that the DNR’s deer advisory committee should be aware of, or provide thoughts and feedback about deer population management.
It’s the time of year when anglers and hunters need to buy new fishing and hunting licenses. Minnesota fishing, hunting and trapping licenses for 2022 expire Tuesday, Feb. 28. Licenses for 2023 are now available wherever fishing and hunting licenses are sold, online and by telephone at 888-665-4236. Mobile buyers receive a text or email that serves as proof of a valid fish or game license to state conservation officers.
All 2023 fishing licenses become effective Wednesday, March 1. New licenses are required for 2023 hunting and fishing seasons that continue past Feb. 28.
The DNR invites people interested in fishing, wildlife and outdoor skills to tune in to upcoming webinars that will feature discussions about how to start a fire and the turkey reintroduction success story.
The first webinar is at noon Wednesday, Feb. 22. Pam Welisevich, a naturalist with Dodge Nature Center, will discuss how to start a fire without using a lighter and how this activity connects to human history. Learn some important techniques that apply to building, starting, maintaining and safely extinguishing all types of fires.
The second webinar is at noon Wednesday, March 1. DNR staff will be talking about the 50th anniversary of the reintroduction of wild turkeys in Minnesota and how people can get involved in mentored turkey hunts that happen across the state.
Additionally, people can now register for a spring lineup of webinars that continues through May and will cover prairie chickens, bison, loons, backyard bird feeding, turkey calling, trout fishing opportunities, peregrine falcons, cold-water hatcheries, freshwater drum, walleye fishing, baby wildlife, monarch butterfly conservation and muskellunge diets.
The webinars are part of the DNR’s Minnesota Outdoor Skills and Stewardship Series. The webinars are free, but registration is required. More information is available on the outdoor skills and stewardship page of the DNR website.